Thursday, July 23, 2015

Busy Getting Nothing Done

My life feels crazy and incredibly dull at the same time. On the crazy side, I have 4 kids, 2 of whom stay home with me while the older 2 are in school. During the day my husband, younger 2 kids, and myself are at my parent's house taking care of my grandmother who has Alzheimer's. We also recently switched to a vegan lifestyle and I'm in WAY over my head trying to find meals for my picky family to eat. Lastly, I'm desperately searching for a career that I will love that I can begin once my youngest is in school.

On the dull side, I feel like I accomplish absolutely nothing each day. My house is a mess, and messes stress me out. I spend my energy keeping my parents house clean so when I get home my energy is gone. Laundry piles up, quite literally. I had a pile of towels and blankets over 4 feet tall (thank you large puppy that refuses to be house broken). Speaking of puppy, we have 4 dogs and 2 pet rats. I have a masochistic addiction to caregiving. This is probably why I'm so eager to enter the work a teacher or counselor or social worker.... And so my addiction cycle remains unbroken. I know I can't be the only person like this out there. There must be other people who struggle just as much as I do, but it's so hard to connect to them because we are all so busy! Let me tell you, if it wasn't for Jesus, caffeine, and wine I would be a crazy lady. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe there's an easier way. If anyone has any ideas, please share them. I'm woman enough to admit I'm lost.

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